2021 Orford Music Academy

06 Jun - 25 Jul 2021

Virtuel - 🖥, - En Ligne - France


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In the context of a pandemic, we believe it is important to be open and flexible, so we are considering two possible scenarios for the summer Academy:

  • 100% virtual academy
  • Hybrid academy, a mix of face-to-face and virtual education

A final decision will be made at the beginning of April. Whether you live the experience online or in person, it is essential for us to ensure the same quality of teaching that has made the Orford Music Academy’s reputation for 70 years.

What is the 2021 Academy ?

  • For each class or internship, you will be entitled to 2.5 hours of individual lessons per week with your teacher.
  • Classes and workshops’ schedule will be determined a few weeks in advance and sent to participants individually.
  • Every student enrolled in at least one class will have access, throughout the summer, to online lectures on various aspects of a musician’s career. These online lectures will be given by teachers and professionals from other backgrounds (such as music, finance, psychology, fitness, etc.). A calendar will be unveiled a few weeks before the beginning of the summer.

Renseignements / Réservations

Site Internet : https://www.orford.mu/en/academy/frequent-questions/2021-academy-details/

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