IDAGIO, a classical music streaming service

Saturday January 19th, 2019 | En Pratique

Music streaming is everywhere today. We have to admit that having all the music we want wherever we are is really convenient! However, most of the well known platforms (deezer, spotify…) are poor as far as classical music is concerned. So, if like us, you’re disappointed by the classical music catalog of streaming majors, you’ll love IDAGIO!


IDAGIO is a music streaming platform specialised in classical music. The proposed music comes from several partnerships with the biggest record companies as well as some of the most famous orchestras (Berliner Philharmoniker, London Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra…)
The service has been designed for music lovers. Indeed, unlike a lot of other services, you will be able to listen to all recordings in very high quality on IDAGIO as the whole library has been encoded in FLAC.

In short, this service is a must have for all music lovers!

Liste de certains des partenaires du service IDAGIO
Some of the partners of IDAGIO

In practice

IDAGIO comes in several forms: web interface, application for computer and smartphone. It is even possible to integrate the service into the Sonos app!
The service has been designed and developed so that you can always have your music with you, and be able to listen to it on every equipment you may have.
Regarding the application, we have been seduced: simple, elegant and intuitive, you can quickly find whatever you need despite a multitude of features: creation of playlists, marking your favorite albums…
The research functionality is also very well thought; you can search by keyword, but also filter by composer, artist, conductor, genre, and even by instrument! A very interesting feature!
Finally, we liked the “mood” function. This allows you to automatically create a playlist depending on your mood. A very fun way to discover new musical pieces. We highly recommend testing this functionality !

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The IDAGIO service can be integrated with SONOS, which makes it possible to have access to the entire library without leaving the SONOS application. Convenient for those equipped with SONOS.

The catalog

IDAGIO’s catalog is really impressive both in quantity and quality. You only have to glance at their partners’ list to have a rough idea of ​​the extent of their collection.

Quelques uns des partenaires du service IDAGIO
Quelques uns des partenaires du service IDAGIO

As far is the flute concerned, the catalog is very rich with more than 12 000 pieces! You will find many recordings of the greatest flutists (Emmanuel Pahud, James Galway, Juliette Hurel, Philippe Bernold, Patrick Gallois …). In short, a very large catalog that will delight all flutists. Be warned, you will be amazed !


To enjoy this service, IDAGIO has joined La Traversiere to offer all our members 2 months for free! A great opportunity to try this platform for which we’ve had a real “coup de coeur”! To take advantage of this offer, visit our Good Deal page.

Thomas MALLET - La Traversière
Article proposé par Thomas MALLET

Né en 1981 en région parisienne, Thomas MALLET débute la flute traversière au CRR de Saint-Maur des Fossés dans la classe de Michel Moraguès, puis celle de Philippe Lesgourgues, où il obtient en 2000 le CFEM mention très bien à l’unanimité.
Afin de poursuivre ses études, Thomas quitte la région parisienne pour s’établir à Rouen ou il obtient en 2005 son diplôme d’ingénieur et exerce depuis chez Axens, filiale de l’IFPEN.
De retour en région parisienne, Thomas reprend alors ses études musicales et intègre la classe d’Oscar Catalan à Boulogne Billancourt.


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