Falaut Campus – Edition 2018

01 Août - 10 Août 2018

Université de Salerne - Università degli Studi di Salerno, - Fisciano - Italie


The Falaut Campus is a summer campus dedicated mainly to music. Together with teachers and students, it crowded the city that hosted it, incentivizing tourism. One of the few events that connected soloists,  teachers, performers,  concert-players and teachers but also every person in the music world in only one week, counting more than 400 participants for every edition. Morning and afternoon student’s concerts and evening teacher’s ones gave life to an amazing exchange of knowledges thanks to the universale language of Music.
Falaut Campus is organised by the Associazione Flautist Italiani, which counts with a thirty-year experience in organizatizing international and national music events.  The projects aims to unite different cultures  and creating moments of comparison and communication.

What are the main aims of the project Falaut Campus?

Encouraging and promoting love for music between the youngest allowing them to learn and growing up having important experiences, introducing them to the professional world by meeting the most important figures in our world.

Who  participate to the campus?

Teachers internationally known, students coming from all over the world,  instrumentmakers and people in the field.

Which are the themes discussed during the Campus?

The main thems are the techno-musical problems faced during the career and the aspect of focusing and executing “phrasing” in the camber and concert repertoire, and the analysis of the “solo” in the symphonic-opera field.

Performing courses

Both national and  international teachers, with great experience in didactics dedicate themselves to the technical and expressive formation of every single student. Discussing themes such as the daily practice for interpreting the repertoire pieces.

Masterclasses and worshops

Due to the strong didactics and pedagogic intent of the campus, masters and courses with the main flutists give a significative contribution for increasing knowledges, for the direct contact and, more generally for stimulating adaptation and evolution of the Italian artistic level.

Conferences and debates

Refresher Courses, debates and round tables hosted by the most important figures in the field, about the main themes and the history of music.


Full immersions and debates  with the authors of new pieces, anthologies and essays.

Show case

Places for publishing  builders and the main international  brands. Presenting the newest versions regarding acoustics and on evolution of the instrument and the new researches. They could also be used as a window for new pieces and authors or of discografic works to promote.


Space and stands available for the Italian suppliers, main international builders, fixers, editors, discografics and merchandising. Special rooms for trying instrument, that often lack in other events. This guarantees that full satisfaction of builders and researchers which find the adequate sound spaces for presenting the sofisticate results of their researches. That incentivate builders to take part to the event, since they see their presence as a favourable experience and an occasion for presenting their work.

Renseignements / Réservations

Contact : info@falaut.it

Site Internet : http://www.falautcampus.it/en/

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