Music streaming is everywhere today. We have to admit that having all the music we want wherever we are is really convenient! However, most of the well known platforms (deezer, spotify…) are poor as far as classical music is concerned. So, if like us, you’re disappointed by the classical music catalog of streaming majors, you’ll love IDAGIO!

Originally made out of wood then metal and even sometimes out of glass, it is finally not a surprise to see the flute be made out of plastic. Still, someone had to think of it and take on the challenge ! That is what Nuvo has done. What are these flutes worth ? We have tested them for you!

Nouveau site internet Parmenon

Saturday October 20th, 2018 Actualités

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Le site Parmenon fait peau neuve, on vous invite fortement à aller le découvrir !

Site internet :

Vous avez récemment été nombreux à répondre à un sondage créé par Eva Thyssens, étudiante en marketing, en stage chez Parmenon. Lors de ce sondage, vous avez livré votre ressenti vis à vis des marques. Alors qu’en est-il ? Qu’est-ce que les marques de flûte évoquent pour vous ?


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